Michele's photo


Hello, and welcome to The Cedar Schoolhouse! I am Michele, and in 2021, I started The Cedar Schoolhouse to provide tips and resources to fellow teachers. I am a certified k-12 teacher and mom of 3 school-age kids. I have over 10 years of experience classroom teaching in public schools, and 4 years homeschooling my own kids. Like you, I am passionate about educating our future generation. Teaching is challenging and rewarding! One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced as a teacher is finding time to do everything. It is easy to get burnt out when there is so much to do. Who couldn’t use just a couple more hours in their day?! As a long-time teacher, I have slowly figured out more and more ways to make my days more organized, more streamlined, less stressful, and more rewarding. I want to share what I have learned, and continue to learn, to help make your teaching easier. I want to provide you with tips & resources you can use to help make your teaching even better and more enjoyable. That is my goal here at The Cedar Schoolhouse. I’d love to hear your suggestions & ideas on how I can make The Cedar Schoolhouse better for you. I would also love to hear what keeps you excited about teaching! Send me an email at michele@thecedarschoolhouse.com