Family enjoying a nice day at the beach.

15 Fun Things to Do This Summer… Before School Starts

The end of summer seems to come sooner every year! About mid-July the “Back to School” ads start popping up reminding me that I should start preparing/planning for a new school year. It also reminds all of us in the family that our more relaxed schedule and warm weather will be gone before we know it. I started brainstorming some fun things our family could do before school starts for a new year. Here are some of the fun activities I came up with to do before school starts back this fall.

15 Ideas for End-of-Summer-Break Fun

Happy family getting ready for a fun summer road trip.

#1: Camp Out/Stargaze

Pick a spot good for stargazing. On top of a hill or maybe your own backyard. The best times for stargazing are when it is a new moon or during moon crescent phases. Don’t forget to check the weather to make sure it is not going to be a cloudy night.

#2: Attend a Summer Play or Concert

Look for a family friendly play or concert that everyone in your family would enjoy. Sometimes zoos will host a concert, then you can check out the animals and attend a concert all in one location.

#3: Rafting or Kayaking

This is a fun summer activity for families with older kids. Depending on how adventuresome your family is, you can either take leisurely rafting or kayaking jaunts or go on a white-water rafting trip.

Kids floating in a tube at a waterpark.
Boy and girl in a tube in a pool at Jay Peak’s waterpark

#4: Have a Pool Party or Go to a Waterpark

Some places will allow you to rent their pool for a private party (usually in the evenings). Of course if you have your own pool, you can have it in your own backyard. Outdoor waterparks are very popular places on weekends and weekdays in the middle of summer. However, if you start school a little later than most schools in the area, you can go on weekdays and have the waterpark almost to yourselves. At least it will feel like almost compared to the usual summer crowd.

#5: ATVing or Dune Buggies

This is another fun idea if you have older kids. Kids that don’t like the water might like this better than rafting or kayaking. Also, depending on where you live, off-road vehicle driving may be more practical than water sports.

#6: Have a Fun Craft Day

Paint a mural on your shed, build a doghouse (or birdhouses), make steppingstones, or some other project that everyone in the family can be a part of. Consider asking an artistic friend or neighbor to teach their craft to your family.

Kids looking at pigs at a county fair.
Two young children are looking at pink show pigs in a 4-H pen at an American County Fair.

#7: Attend a County or State Fair

Most county and state fairs are scheduled sometime between the end of July and Labor Day. Do an online search for the county or state and the word “Fair”. Most will have an online schedule that lets you know what is planned for each day of the fair.

#8: Take a Trip to the Mountains or the Beach/Ocean

When the forecast is showing temps in the triple digits, that’s when my family likes to go to the beach where it is usually a more enjoyable summertime weather. One can always cool off in the ocean if it is too hot outside. There is much to do at the beach, including building sand sculptures, looking for washed up treasures, or just enjoying walking in the sand. The mountains also can often be cooler place to be in the summer. Depending on where you are at, you may be able to find a cool waterfall, pick huckleberries, or just take in a beautiful scenery.

Family having a summer BBQ
Summer BBQ

#9: Host a Fun Summer BBQ

Invite some families over for an end of the summer BBQ. Set up some lawn games for the kids (and maybe adults) to enjoy. Ask families to bring a side dish and/or drinks to make it easier on you and your pocketbook.

#10: Have a Yard Sale

Maybe this doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, but having a little extra cash is always nice, especially enticing if you make plans to put the money towards a fun summer activity. This is especially good to do after going through all the kids’ clothes and other things one accumulates over the year(s). It is nice if you can get some other people in your neighborhood to have a yard sale the same weekend (gets a better turn-out). Another option is to see if your church would host a yard sale day/weekend where parishioners can set up their stuff for sale. If the church has a large parking lot, a by-donation car wash put on by the church teen group can bring in some money for a fun teen night or other purchase for their group.

#11: Go to a Museum or Aquarium

Checking out an indoor air-conditioned museum or aquarium is great on a hot summer day! Make it a “just for fun” day for the kids. However, this is a good time for you as a homeschool parent to get ideas for future trips to tie-in with your homeschool social studies or science curriculum.

Picture taken at sunset of Horseshoe Bend, Paige, Arizona.
Horseshoe Bend, Arizona

#12: Visit a State or National Park

This Wikipedia page is a great resource to find state parks. Just click on a state and scroll down to see the state parks located in that state. There are also 63 national parks in the United States.

#13: Allow the Kids to Host a Party

They may want to have a theme, like having a “Super Soaker Party” where the kids bring their own soakers for a good water fight. A movie projected onto a white sheet is a nice way wind down the party and enjoy the warm summer evening.

#14: Visit Grandparents or Other Family

Load everyone in the car for a road trip to visit _______________. If they all live close by, consider giving your kids a “Day with Grandpa” or a “Day with Auntie”. Other ideas are to give the kids a sleepover with cousins at your house, a cousin’s house, or maybe all go to the grandparents’ house. Another option, much more low-key, is to meet and have a picnic together.

Two people having fun exploring a large cave.

#15: Go Spelunking

Find a cave to explore! Many large caves have guided tours. If you are going on your own, be sure to take several flashlights. Enjoy the cool temps underground!

Conclusion – 15 Fun Summer Activities

I hope there are some ideas here that you can use, or that spark other ideas that you know your family would enjoy. I tried to give a variety of ideas that would fit different budgets and time allotments.

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